Powerful callback to make VoIP calls and conferences using text based IMs
All users of Jabber based IM chat, Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger or Yahoo! Messenger can use GTalk2VoIP service to initiate VoIP calls using CALLBACK technique. This means, our system can make VoIP call to your phone (mobile or landline), then make a call to your destination and merge two calls (legs). Callback is initiated by a single IM message sent to .

It is possible to add more participants into such callback organized calls thus creating a multi-channel voice conferencing calls. We encourage Web 2.0 developers to adopt this technique into their Web services and letting people freely and easily participate in voice chats.

1. To initiate a callback call, please follow these simple steps:

Step 1. Subscribe to the service in one of the possible ways:

  • 1st Way. Open your GoogleTalk (or any other IM messenger) and invite new recipient whose user id is .
  • 2nd Way. Go to the main page of this site and submit your user id by pressing "Invite" button, then accept invitation from .

Step 2. Open a chat window to and send it a CALLBACK command using the following syntax:

CALLBACK [phone:|gtalk:|yahoo:|sip:]SourceLeg [phone:|gtalk:|yahoo:|sip:]DestinationLeg [via provider1 provider2 ]

Where, SourceLeg - is your own location, DestinationLeg - is a destination you are calling to, provider1 - is a provider name which will be used to deliver call to SourceLeg, provider2 - is a provider name that is to be used to call to DestinationLeg. If providers are ommited, then the system will implicate the default behaviour to call to each leg, i.e. it will call the best rated provider first (best ASR and ACD), if that fails, it wll call the second rated, and so on.

Each leg can be one of: phone number, Google Talk, MSN, Yahoo or SIP URI. You can use the follow syntax for each of the legs:

  • +XXXXXXXXX or phone:XXXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXXX is a phone number (mobile or landline) in international format,
  • gtalk: where is some Google Talk user identifier,
  • msn: where is some MSN/Live Messenger user identifier,
  • yahoo: where is some Yahoo! Messenger user identifier,
  • sip: where is some SIP URI.

To clarify the usage, below is a number of commonly used examples:

CALLBACK - will initiate a call to your phone number , then to your destination

CALLBACK via MKS AVANGARD - will initiate a call to your phone number using provider MKS, then to your destination using provider AVANGARD

CALLBACK gtalk: - will initiate a call to your Google Talk id , then to your destination

CALLBACK msn: - will initiate a call to your MSN/Live Messenger id , then to your destination

CALLBACK yahoo: - will initiate a call to your Yahoo! Messenger id , then to your destination

CALLBACK sip: - will initiate a call to your SIP URI , then to your destination

CALLBACK gtalk: - will initiate a call to your phone number , then to your destination Google Talk ID

CALLBACK sip: - will initiate a call to your phone number , then to your destination SIP URI

When callback call is initiated you will receive response messages from the service bot indicating ongoing progress.

2. Example of interaction with service bot:

Ruslan: CALLBACK  -

service: Calling source: phone:, cost = 0.014 via PROXICOM
Calling destination: phone:, cost = 0.01204 via PAKLINE
Remote answered. Now talking. Cost = 0.02604

Ruslan: hangup

service: Call aborted!
Thank you!
Charged time: 5 secs. Reason = EndedByHangup


3. Adding more participants (legs) into callback calls to form a conference:

When callback call is set up (both SourceLeg and DestinationLeg are established) and the system reports: Remote answered. Now talking., it is possible now to add more participants or remove them without breaking the call.

Here's a list of exdended commands available in connected state:

  • LIST - Reports a list of connected legs: Sourse, Destination and Additinal.
  • ADD AddLeg [Provider] - Initiates a call to additinal leg AddLeg and merges it into current conference call when connected. AddLeg can be one of: phone number, Google Talk, MSN, Yahoo or SIP URI. Provider is some VoIP provider to be used to dliver call to PSTN. If provider is ommited, the default behaviour is implicated. Syntax for AddLeg is same as for SourceLeg or DestinationLeg.
  • DEL AddLeg - Drops the already connected additional leg. The AddLeg must be listed as one of additinal calls. Dropping SourceLeg or DestinationLeg is impossible.
  • HANGUP - Drops the entire callback session, releaseing all additinal legs as well as cource and destination legs.

  • Notes:
  • It is possible to add as many additional legs as you need.
  • When one of SourceLeg or DestinatioLeg is released, the entire callback session is closed too, all additinal legs are released.
  • Dropping any of additinal legs from the callback call does not close the session.

4. Example of interaction while in connected state:


Remote answered. Now talking. Cost = 0.02604 Ruslan: LIST service: List of connected legs: Source: phone: Via: PROXICOM Destination: phone: Via: PAKLINE Ruslan: ADD service: Calling additianal: phone:, cost = 0.014 via PROXICOM Party answered. Now talking. Cost = 0.014 Ruslan: LIST service: List of connected legs: Source: phone: Via: PROXICOM Destination: phone: Via: PAKLINE Additinal: phone: Via: PROXICOM Ruslan: HANGUP service: Call aborted! Thank you! Charged time: 28 secs. Reason = EndedByHangup

5. Billing notes:

  • Calls to VoIMs (Googl Talk, MSN, Yahoo) or SIP URIs are free of charge.
  • Calls to phone numbers (PSTN) are paid service so you will have to buy calling credits.
  • Each leg is billed separately, so if both legs are phone numbers the final cost will "double". Please, see our rates and routes.
  • Each additional leg in the conference that is connected to PSTN is billied separately according to the rates and routes.
  • If one of your legs is a phone number and the other is VoIM or SIP URI, you will be charged for calling to phone only.
  • Billing is carried on per-second basis.
  • This service is not expected to be used for emergency calls.

Have a nice call!

Send all your questions and ideas for further service improvements to GTalk2VoIP TEAM. We would certainly like to hear from you!

If you've tested and liked our services, please let your friends know about it, send them a voice mail. Thank you.

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