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Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / Yahoo and MSN Live FOLLOW ME (549 hits)
- By ahkamel Date 2007-12-12 17:20
I have registered my Yahoo messenger and MSN Live accounts with
In the follow me box of both I have written
I assumed that then sip callers to my Yahoo messenger (), callers from
their Yahoo messenger clients will reach me on my gtalk client  and
sip callers to my MSN live (), callers from their MSN live clients will
reach me on my gtalk client.
That did not work??
So am I using the wrong syntax in the above or did I misunderstood the follow me function.
Please advise.
Parent - By satphoneguy Date 2007-12-12 19:37
that should work along as the yahoo and msn users calling you are them selves members of gtalk2voip and issue a call command to the gtalk2voip bot. they need to set up a chat session with gtalk2voip and than issue: call . actually they can call your gtalk directly that way there is no need to use the followme function at all(and you eliminate to 20 second delay while gtalk2voip tries to locate you on your yahoo or msn client before forwarding) unless you do no want to reveal you gmail address to them. there is no way to directly forward yahoo - yahoo or msn - msn calls made in the regular fashion to gtalk.

hope that this helps.

Parent - By ahkamel Date 2007-12-12 20:56
The original callers from Yahoo and/or MSN live are NOT members of gtalk2voip.
Also the caller from a sip account to my Yahoo and/or MSN live is NOT a member of gtal2voip.
What I want to use the followme function for is to be able to answer all the calls coming TO my Yahoo and MSN live
FROM Yahoo, MSN and sip, answer FROM my Gtalk client.
So would the syntax I used work??
Please advise.
Parent - By satphoneguy Date 2007-12-12 21:22
as I explained above that is not going to be possible. sip users can call you by dialing . users of yahoo and msn will have to join gtalk2voip and than be able to call you through the bot. there is no way to forward calls directed at your yahoo and msn accounts to gtalk.

basically what gtalk2voip does is allow you to make and receive sip calls(and call regular telephones) from your IM client. it also allows members of gtalk2voip who are using different IM platforms to call each other using the bot.

what you are trying to do is exactly what I wanted to do when I first signed up for gtalk2voip. it is not a supported feature.

look at this thread. it might explain clearer.

Parent - By eddiesun Date 2008-03-17 18:55
Dear Sir,

I try to Call my MSN from SIP phone but it keep doesn't work for 5 day! Could you help to take a look of my command on soft phone?

(e.g. my MSN account is ) I type sip: . But I only can hear voice message!

So can you tell me what's wrong?


Eddie Suen
Parent By ruslan.zalata Date 2008-03-19 20:54
Hello Eddie,

The proper SIP URI to dial is: sip:, that because MSN IDs can be of any domain name, not only

Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / Yahoo and MSN Live FOLLOW ME (549 hits)
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