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- By satphoneguy Date 2007-11-07 05:40

This is a great service. If we start seeing unlimited Gtalk(or other XMPP) intergrated into cell phone as I expect we will in the next year or so with the 3 skype deal setting the stage this will really start to take off big as a way for these users to connect to SIP/PSTN. Do you have any plans to allow this to start working in the other direction? I would like to be able to have people call my Gtalk username and have the call go to a SIP device or IP PBX. Any plans for a sort of hosted Gtalk account with SIP routing?

Parent - By satphoneguy Date 2007-12-03 18:53

I think I better understand now what I am looking for. Might we in the future see from you a hosted jingle account platform? What I am really looking for is a way that gtalk(or other IM) users can call me directly(without having to join your service; but the same way that they would call another IM gtalk user) and I can have that call goto a SIP device(either by registering or forwarding) or regular phone.

My goal is to become reachable by users of different types of voip services as if I were using that service myself(but not complicate things by having them register to additional services) but answer all calls on one device.

Is this a part of your future plans?

Parent - By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-12-07 08:47
Hello dear Satphoneguy,

I don't quite understand what do you mean on "hosted jingle" account ? Can you explain your ideas in details ?

At the moment, all Google Talk users can call your SIP URI just by adding it into their Google Talk contact lists using the following mapping: user%. Upon adding this type of contact our system automatically register (subscribe) user to GTalk2VoIP services, which makes the use very easy. Sometimes Google Talk users don't even know they are using third-party service to make SIP calls.

Parent - By satphoneguy Date 2007-12-07 09:21
Perhaps the functionality is already there; and I am just not taking advantage. I would like to be reachable by gtalk (and aol, yahoo, etc.) users who are not sip users in the same way that they would call any other gtalk contact. Preferably I would be able to call them for the first contact and after that they could call me back and reach me on a sip and/or pstn phone. What I am thinking of are all the email/IM users out there for whom VOIP/SIP is a bit complicated but gtalk not. They may not be ready to download another app on there PC; but the gtalk client is already there.

When I used the term 'hosted' what I was thinking is that I would log into a website and provide my gtalk(or other compatible jingle service) name and password. Than I would be able to set redirection of incoming voice calls to a SIP URI or PSTN number or maybe register a SIP phone directly.

Another reason I would like this type of service is that there seems to be a growing number of third party service(such as tringme) that will direct voice calls to gtalk. I would like a way to get these calls to SIP. I have tried and using this format: user% does not work in those instances.

Ideally I would like a hosted IP PBX with inbound trunks for SIP, Gtalk, yahoo, msn, aol, and skype. that way I could receive all type of voip calls using the platform that the caller is most familiar with.



p.s. Ruslan - This is a great service as it is. Just suggesting what I thinking could be useful. Thanks.
Parent - By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-12-07 15:44
Hello Satphoneguy,

Ok, I got it. As I said for Google Talk users, both-ways interoperability is in place, means you can call some Google Talk user from SIP and then he/she can call you back to a contact they get on their roster (our gateway will do the mapping automatically). As for AIM, MSN and Yahoo, it is not possible, their VoIM protocols are too limited and too closed (proprietary).

As for hosted service, well your idea makes sense and I think we will implement it in some future. Currently we are working on some end-user mobile application which will do real voip over mobile network (GPRS/EDGE/3G/WIFI) and will let users to call to their VoIM contacts in one-click way (through our gateway) similar to Google Talk on PC.


PS: Try to use the following mapping with TringMe: , seems their service does not understand JIDs with '%' sign.
Parent - By satphoneguy Date 2007-12-07 17:07

i tested the other format in tringme; still does not work. when routed to gtalk the calls come through from .

they have recently added some SIP function but it is still really buggy; and you have to register a provider you can not just forward calls to a URI.

if you have any interest in the tringme beta and would like an invitation let me know; i have some.


Parent By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-12-08 17:29

Ok, pls send me an invitation to , I'll play with their service a bit.

Parent - By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-12-08 18:44 Edited 2007-12-08 18:46
Hello Satphoneguy,

Well, I have played with TringMe, it works very well with our GTalk2VoIP gateway. I was able to receive calls right to my Google Talk if I put my SIP URI mapped id, like into "Phone number or Extension (VoIP):" setting, all other SIP setting I left blank.


PS: If you use address you can put an URI like this: .
Parent By satphoneguy Date 2007-12-08 19:16

Yes. I just tried and it for the first time it is sending calls to any SIP URI that I put in.

So I can now start using tringme and have calls come to the phones that I answer. What I had been trying to do was somewhat the opposite. Before tringme had added the sip capability(last week) I had been trying to use the gtalk linkup with your gateway to send calls to my SIP URI that forwards to the phones I answer(IP and cell phones) by setting tringme to gtalk and as my email address using

Maybe I need to start using talkonaut on my cell phone as an alternative to SIP. I was thinking more about the 'hosted jingle' concept that I had suggested. My ideal service would be something like a IP PBX that allows trunks to be set up in any protocol(jingle, oscar, SIP, IAX, yahoo and skype) and talk to each other. Something like Meebo for voice that could be connected to via SIP registration. I would turn my gtalk, aim, yahoo voice accounts into trunks. Ideally it would allow me to program numeric extension codes for all my IM voice contacts so that they could be dialed from a telephone keypad.


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