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Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / isn't it hypocricy on your part? (310 hits)
- By true Date 2008-02-26 12:25
hi, I know this is flame bait post.. but  hear me out.

i've read your blogs in the past where you aired your frustrations about these proprietary protocols and how they cannibalize the standard SIP implementation.

but then i saw your comment on

where you teased, on how difficult yahoo sip authentication is.

its my impression that you are in favor for openness, but  then you never disclosed what you've discovered.

so isn't it hypocricy on your part?
Parent - By ruslan.zalata Date 2008-02-27 21:34

Maybe you are right, but again, we are small and weak and we need some competitive superiorities, otherwise our service could by copied easily by any Silicon Valley startup which means death to our project. Besides, I afraid, as long as Yahoo's SIP auth algorithm became known to large audience they'll change it quickly. I won't withstand another month of disassembly work .

Parent By true Date 2008-02-27 23:33
I truly understand  where you're coming from. I just wished  that you could also provide easier integration for free software third party clients.   
Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / isn't it hypocricy on your part? (310 hits)
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