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- By satphoneguy Date 2008-02-07 05:45

just wanted thank you for posting this:

i quite enjoyed the reading. best of luck in marketing all your services.



p.s. i believe the importance of jingle VOIP is completely unrealized. skype will not survive its dominance if it remain closed. SIP is too inconsistent and requires to much tinkering/tweaking for the mainstream. even more important as VOIP moves to mobiles the operators are going to be very reluctant to offer SIP which has an established interconnection model to the PSTN system since it would be used far more to bypass their tariffs than as a value added alternate communications method. VOIP over jingle audio with presence as a way to communicate with other VOIP users on PC and mobile will seem far less threatening to the profits of the operators. sure it will be possible to use gtalk2voip or other services to connect to the PSTN but it will not be the primary type of calling as with SIP. i do not believe that it is by accident that gtalk does not offer the paid PSTN VOIP services of AIM, yahoo, skype, MSN etc. google sees leverage in a peer2peer alternate way to talk as opposed to phone line replacement service. i do have to add though that i am quite surprised that from everything i have seen gtalk/jingle is not built into the core of android.

Ruslan. one other thing. so many times i find another SIP provider that offers calling yahoo, msn, gtalk, aim and when i test the service i find that it goes through your servers. with all your expertise in interconnecting these systems consider offering a PBX type platform that allows users to answer calls to there normal email address on all these platforms on one device. with everything i just stated about SIP being problematic it is still my choice to answer calls on a SIP connected phone most of the time. i would certainly find it very useful to have calls to any of my IM's also come to the SIP phone. sure i can explain to users how to direct calls through gtalk2voip to my sip phone using the bot and callback; but it would be so elegant if i could be called at the same address that i am emailed and IM'd at without the need for callers to even know that anything is out of the ordinary.
Parent - By ruslan.zalata Date 2008-02-10 15:34
Hello Satphoneguy,

Thank you for reading my essay, hope you enjoyed it.

Regarding your ideas on PBX. We though about that and found it technically impossible to route voip traffic to your email unless you totally control your domain name and can add proper SRV records. And here's another issue: 90% of domain registrars do not provide SRV management for their users!!! So it's easier to get an email addres on with all the voice features instead.

Parent - By satphoneguy Date 2008-02-10 22:42

what i was thinking of in terms of using email address for VOIP is to register email/IM/VOIP accounts from gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc. on the servers of the PBX. this would be done in the same way that SIP accounts are currently setup in gtalk2voip. they could than be redirected to either a jabber IM client or a SIP phone. i realize that users of the above services can call across networks and to SIP devices by using your services. the thing is that for many less technically minded computer users the whole idea of using a bot or entering an address in an odd way is a deterrent; especially if they are already reluctant to use VOIP. also for reason i don not understand there seem to be quite a few people(particularly Americans) who are reluctant to use internet services that are not provided from major corporations with support departments. this all boils down to why i would like to be able to give out my gmail, yahoo, and other IM accounts and have the calls ring to a single client/device. preferably a SIP device. i would like to not have to explain that they are calling me any different than they call a user of there same IM service. just an example the other day i met someone who asked if i had a gtalk or skype account; when i explained they could call me on my SIP phone with gtalk2voip they decided it would much easier that we exchange regular phone numbers. if my gtalk account were hosted on a PBX platform i could be reached on my SIP phone after only giving this person my gmail address. it would also be great to be able to setup numeric extensions that call gtalk, msn, yahoo users by dialing from a SIP phone registered to the PBX.


p.s. this is basically just a description of my 'dream machine' for VOIP.
Parent - By ruslan.zalata Date 2008-02-11 17:53
Hello Satphoneguy,

I understand your voip dreams pretty well. The problem is that it is not technically implementable without a great effort from Google (for gmail), Microsoft (for hotmail), etc. To be able to set up calls to your gmail account directly, one needs a total control over domain, so nobody but the Google can do that. And it seems, Google is not interested in providing such service.

BTW, did you try calling using SIP Broker ID ? That's a sort of SIP phone number one can dial from almost any SIP phone and get connected to your Google Talk. It contains one asterisk and some sequence of digits, so there should be no problems exchanging it with your friends/partners. For example, you can try to reach me on SIPBroker ID: *01822. PS. This feature works to SIP providers who participate in SIP Broker interop project:

We are also working on offering a unique and free international phone number to each user who subscribes to our service. This will let your participants to make calls to your Google Talk right from any phone.

Parent By satphoneguy Date 2008-02-11 21:54
yes. i am well aware of and use sipbroker and have DID numbers pointing to my gtalk. it is more the opposite that i would like to achieve to have calls from the IM's reach my SIP phone without the callers having to learn anything new and become a bit uncomfortable. i do not quite understand why but there seem to be lots of people out there who will only deal on the internet with giant corporations that they read about in the news and unfortunately none of them are using a standard compatible SIP.


p.s. you have a great service; just telling you my dreams.
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