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Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / text/plain message from SIP (301 hits)
- By wilson loi Date 2008-01-17 07:56

Do you know that gtalk2voip can accept text/plain type of SIP message?
I try to send SIP message with text/plain media type.
However, it seems that gtalk2voip gateway will drop this message.

What kind of media type of SIP message that gtalk2voip can support?
Parent - By ruslan.zalata Date 2008-01-27 18:14

What soft of messages are you talking about ? Do you mean SIMPLE ? Yes, GTalk2VoIP gateway accepts SIMPLE messages as long as they are complient with the corresponding RFC standard.

Parent - By wilson loi Date 2008-02-01 03:07
Does Gtalk2voip support RFC3428? It is not strict SIMPLE message
Parent By ruslan.zalata Date 2008-02-01 14:21
Yes, GTalk2VoIP supports some basic messaging using MESSAGE method of SIP protocol. Do you have any issues here ? Cna you provide a log of SIP protocol exchange ?

Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / text/plain message from SIP (301 hits)
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