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Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / Add Gizmo/SIP users to MSN via Gtalk2VoIP ??? (536 hits)
- By ramkre Date 2007-12-22 21:34 Edited 2007-12-22 21:39

I wonder if it's possible to add a Gizmo/SIP users to MSN via GTalk2VoIP. This way I would be able to call them and their online/offline status.

I figured out that the following might be the format, but it did not work:


Please help.

Parent - By satphoneguy Date 2007-12-22 22:06
you need to initiate a chat session with the gtalk2voip bot. than issue the command:

call user@sipservice

you will get a call back and than be connected. you will not get presence(online/offline status) for sip users but should be able to call them.

p.s. i have not tried with MSN; but tthat is how it works with gtalk and yahoo. should be the same
Parent - By ramkre Date 2007-12-22 22:28
Thanks satphoneguy. I know how Gtalk2VoIP works.

I'm just interested in knowing the presence (online/offline) of Gizmo/SIP users. And I thought if each Gizmo/SIP user was added separately then this will eliminate the need to type: call user@sipprovider.

Hope Gtalk2VoIP will have a say here.
Parent - By satphoneguy Date 2007-12-22 22:36
you still will not get presence but if you use gtalk you can call sip users(and PSTN) directly out of the roster without the callback.
Parent - By ramkre Date 2007-12-22 22:42
I think Gtalk2VoIP should be able to get the presence working. Thanks anyways.
Parent By satphoneguy Date 2007-12-22 23:01
i am not a technical expert but i think that the presence would have to be in the client being used for communications on both ends. gtalk2voip is more of a gateway switch; it does not actually run locally on your computer. i do not really see how presence could work. also most SIP services are not setup for presence capabilities; but rather focused on voice communications and PSTN interconnection.

Ruslan. am i missing something here?
Parent By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-12-25 22:35
Hello Ramke,

Let me try to answer all your questions.

First, as you can see there is no way to add any gtalk2voip-associated contacts into your roster for MSN client. This feature (adding contacts) works for XMPP clients only (like Google Talk). So, all interaction between MSN user and our gtalk2voip service is conducted by the means of text commands to service bot.

Second, there's an undocumented STATUS command which can show current presence status of a registered user id. For example, you can try to request my presence status by issuing: STATUS

Then, as it was already mentioned by Satphoneguy, our gateway treats Gizmo Project users as SIP phones, there's no any presence implemented for SIP stack neither on Gizmo nor on our gateway. But, you still can request Gizmo user's presence with STATUS command like: STATUS . Again, this works only for those users who are registered (had submited their XMPP userid) in our system.


Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / Add Gizmo/SIP users to MSN via Gtalk2VoIP ??? (536 hits)
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