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Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / unable to make SIP calls from Yahoo (424 hits)
- By bigto_2000 Date 2007-12-19 03:17
I am unable to make SIP calls from Yahoo IM. After entering the CALL command I am unable to progress the call as I am not offered the chance to accept it. Frustratingly I am then informed that I did not accept the call! I have re-installed Yahoo IM several times, deleted and re-invited gtalk2voip each time but I am still unable to accept calls. I can see nothing in the Yahoo IM settings to cause the problem and indeed two calls did succeed when I first invited gtalk2voip as a contact again having had this problem some time ago and simply given up.

Here is the dialog from the conversation window. As you see I am given no option to Accept or Decline the call.

Big_TO: call
gtalk2voip007: You entered: call  
gtalk2voip007: You have 0.0200 USD.
gtalk2voip007: Please, accept call from gtalk2voip !!!
gtalk2voip007: You did not accept the call!
Parent By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-12-20 23:53

1. Are you able to make/receive ordinary yahoo voice calls ?
2. What's your ID ?

Parent - By leonil3 Date 2007-12-29 14:10
No problem with mine.
I use the command :
CALL sip:

(where 35xxxxx- is my number, just use the x to conceal it)
I noticed you dont have the "sip:" before your number. maybe you just made a syntax error.
Parent By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-12-29 18:42

sip: prefix is not mandatory, so the syntax is correct. I think his problem corelates to network/NAT issues somehow.

Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / unable to make SIP calls from Yahoo (424 hits)
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