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Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / Invite doesn't work (solved) (580 hits)
- By garbara3 Date 2007-12-06 05:11 Edited 2007-12-13 05:38
After reading several of the other posts, I feel rather stupid as I cannot get the first step to work. I want to make a voice call from Yahoo to ekiga. I did read in this form that ekiga is buggy and I should use gizmo. I will do that. My problem is more elementary.

In Yahoo messenger I pick "Invite people to join" then enter "", press "next" in the popup window, and finally press "finish". I haven't received any response and it has been hours.  I also tried entering my account " and picked "Yahoo messenger" on "Invite" section of the main page. I don't get an invitation in my Yahoo messenger when either method is tried.   I have even removed and reinstalled Yahoo messenger and tried both methods again. Do you have any ideas?

Parent - By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-12-07 09:14
Hello Gary,

1. I can see that is registered as Google Talk user somehow.
2. For Yahoo you should invite , but not .

Ok, I have removed your entry, so please try to subscribe again (preferrably from the site) and let me know if this worked to you.

Parent - By garbara3 Date 2007-12-07 20:39

Thanks for looking into my problem. I tried again. First I brought up Yahoo Messenger. Then in a browser window on the main gtalk2voip page in the subscription box, I chose "Yahoo Manager" and placed  "" into the upper text box and pressed the "Invite" button. I again saw the "Invitation has been successfully sent" message. However after 30 minutes I have not received an invitation in my Yahoo Messenger. I cannot imagine what I am doing wrong.

Parent - By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-12-08 17:34

I think I lack of ability to explain simple things simply, sorry about that.

Well, when you subscribe from the site you should enter YOUR yahoo id, but not the one belonging to out system. You also can subscribe by inviting a "" contact right into your Yahoo messenger. Please try any of these two ways.

Parent - By garbara3 Date 2007-12-09 01:06

Thanks for your help. I have now registered successfully. I first brought up Yahoo Mesenger and added to my friends and it worked.

Parent - By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-12-09 12:39
Ok, great. Hope the calling part is also working to you.

Parent By garbara3 Date 2007-12-13 05:12

I have successfully made calls and received them. Thanks again for your help.

Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / Invite doesn't work (solved) (580 hits)
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