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Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / routing tringme calls to SIP (384 hits)
- By satphoneguy Date 2007-11-22 03:36
I am a beta tester for the new widget service from tringme. Tringme will either forward calls to a real phone(limited to 5 calls per month) or to Gtalk. I tried to put in place of my gmail address Unforturnatly this did not work. I am wondering if  gtalk2voip could be opened up to allow forwarding of Tringme calls to SIP devices via gtalk and your servers? I guess this would require cordination with tringme and they are running their own sip servers(but limited only to select enterprise users; and I do not qualify). Anyways I would find it very usefull since I can not answer gtalk calls away from my computer.
Parent - By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-11-23 19:42

I don't quite understand what were you trying to do and what TringMe service is, but the mapping you used is bit incorrect. Try to use the following: . Please let me know whether this worked to you or no.

PS: Can you please describe in details what were you trying to achieve ?

Parent - By satphoneguy Date 2007-11-23 20:04 Edited 2007-11-23 20:22
Tringme is a widget that can be placed on a webpage or blog. It will route calls either to a real phone(limited to 5 calls per month) or to gtalk. I am not sure if it is possible; but I was trying top use gtalk2voip as a gateway to send thoose calls to a SIP device instead of a gtalk account. I would think that this would require tringme to register with gtalk2voip first and than it would be possible. Am I thinking correctly?



p.s I tested and it does not wotk with the corrected syntax. I think that I am trying to do something that is not supported.
Parent - By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-11-24 19:57

You cannot use gtalk2voip to forward incoming Jingle Audio (i.e. Google Talk) calls coming to your Google talk to somewhere because Google Talk lacks call forwarding functionality. And yes you are pretty correct, without tight integration with our gtalk2voip gateway that TringMe service will not be able to use our functionality.

Parent - By emoci Date 2007-11-27 18:13
So would it them be fair to say that if someone is using GTalk2Voip, they call me to my GoogleTalk account through GTalk2Voip, that if I am not logged in, they will fail to be forwarded to the follow me number I've set?
Parent By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-11-29 08:55

GTalk2VoIP can forward calls to your followme no matter connected you to your Google Talk or not at the time of call, the followme feature triggers if call is not answered in 20 secs. But yes, call must be made through gtalk2voip, means it is either incoming SIP call or a call from other messenger made using CALL command. Direct Google Talk to Google Talk calls cannot be forwarded due to lack of Google Talk features.

Parent - By wilson loi Date 2007-11-28 07:12
It is not truth.
We can use RedirectSession() to redirect incomming call to another gtalk account.
Parent By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-11-29 08:58
Hello Wilson,

Sorry, but what is RedirectSession() ?

Of course there's some redirect feature in Jingle Audio protocol, but there's no way to effect Google Talk's behaviour neither from server side nor by any user setting.

Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / routing tringme calls to SIP (384 hits)
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