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Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / No call initiated with Yahoo! Messenger (105 hits)
- By john_bito Date 2007-09-29 17:33
I'm a Gizmo Project user trying to set up SIP calling ability with Yahoo! messenger users.  I'm starting by trying to get Yahoo messenger to call my gizmoproject adress.  It seems Gtalk is not successful in setting up the call with my Yahoo! messenger client.  I've included the transcript below.  Could you please let me know what next steps I should take?

Thank you!

John Bito: call
gtalk2voip019: Welcome to GTalk2VoIP - Free Voice Gateway for Google Talk, MSN and Yahoo!
gtalk2voip019: You entered: call  
gtalk2voip019: Type 'HELP' for more information
gtalk2voip019: Please, accept call from gtalk2voip !!!
gtalk2voip019: You have 0.0200 USD.
gtalk2voip019: Thank you!
John Bito: call
gtalk2voip019: Welcome to GTalk2VoIP - Free Voice Gateway for Google Talk, MSN and Yahoo!
gtalk2voip019: You entered: call  
gtalk2voip019: Type 'HELP' for more information
gtalk2voip019: Please, accept call from gtalk2voip !!!
gtalk2voip019: You have 0.0200 USD.
gtalk2voip019: Thank you!
Parent - By john_bito Date 2007-09-29 17:55
I solved it.  I didn't realize that Yahoo! Messenger was still waiting for me to confirm the gtalk 'buddy'.   Sorry for taking your time.
Parent By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-09-30 19:15
Hello John,

Please to hear that you've resolved the issue on your own . Let us know if you have any other problems with the service.

Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / No call initiated with Yahoo! Messenger (105 hits)
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