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Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / a sip softphone without ilbc (181 hits)
- By loell Date 2007-08-30 10:39
hi, got a question again

what will happen if a softphone uses the service without the (internet low bitrate codec)

i was just wondering, cause when i saw the user account settings default is ilbc
Parent - By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-08-30 23:02
Hello Loell,

That setting effects only connection between your Google Talk and GTalk2VoIP gateway, but not the outer side. When the gateway setups connection to SIP endpoint it announces a huge list of codecs and it is the called side to decided which codec to use. So you can easily call to SIP endpoints which cannot do iLBC .

Parent By loell Date 2007-08-31 10:13
i see

thanks ruslan
Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / a sip softphone without ilbc (181 hits)
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