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Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / Gtalk2voip service is offline in gtalk (538 hits)
- By moshaheen Date 2007-07-30 23:28
it has been over a month now trying to activate the gtalk2voip service over my google talk client, however it is always offline, I've tried to re-register several times, for my account as well as different account and still, the service is offline, check the blocked users too
Any suggestions !!!
Parent - By dindin.gtalk Date 2007-07-31 09:44
My Friend I guess this service already died in a natural death. The problem  that i have posted about buying a credit were never answered. Hoping they will give explaination what happend rather that waiting for nothing.
Parent - By ingenious Date 2007-07-31 13:30
The service has still been working, so I don't think the company's gone under!

By any means, if you're trying to use GTalk2VoIP with a Google Apps account in Google Talk, it may not work, at least from my experience.
Parent - By loell Date 2007-07-31 22:51
i think ruslan have a day time job, perhaps he is busy at the moment.

but where are the others? that's supposed to be part of gtalk2voip team?
Parent By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-08-01 10:42
Hello Loell.

Others don't speak English so they rarely participate in supporting users . Anyway, the service is fuctioning normally. If it's not working to someone, we have to investigate the case (there could be many problems, as with Google Apps accounts). Some problems can be solved by reading our web site (FAQ and articles regarting service use).

PS: We were off the town for a while so I could not answer questions immidiately. If someone got a question unaswered, please email a copy.
Parent - By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-08-01 10:44

The service was and is functioning normally. You can find the answer to your "buying credits" question on To enabled payments to your account, please drop a mail to or to my gmail account . Thanks.

Parent - By loell Date 2007-08-02 12:24
thanks ruslan for answering that particular question, now i understand why you're the only one from gtalk2voip team, answering all the questions .
more power to you and  the team.

Parent By ruslan.zalata Date 2007-08-02 14:19
Hello Loell,

Thanks for being loyal to our service and all your good words.

Previous Next Up Topic GTalk2VoIP / General discussions and support for users / Gtalk2voip service is offline in gtalk (538 hits)
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